Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spooky Morning Ride

It was unusually foggy here on Friday morning.  I stopped to take this photo on Cornwallis Rd in RTP when I saw the spooky lights in the sky ahead (click to enlarge).  It wasn't daybreak.  It was just light pollution from a small parking lot.

Now I say that I stopped to snap a photo...

...but the goosebumps also subsided.


skiffrun said...

For several years I have thought that the old "dark and cloudy night" type references in "old" books would make no sense to younger people. In towns and big and little cities, clouds now absorb and reflect the light pollution from below, so that the darkest nights are now the nights with clear skies.


skiffrun said...

didn't dawn on my until now that this "Spooky" post was actually a pre-Halloween thing. So ...

Can we be sure that you didn't have a close encounter of the third kind?

Perhaps with aliens.

Perhaps with guys in black helicopters.

Perhaps with people in stange costumes.

Perhaps ...