- We encouraged them: "Only 90 miles to go".
- We offered waterproof sunblock: "It won't run off in the rain".
- And later in the day: "I bet the fast riders are already done!"
I had a great time. It was almost like riding. I got sunburned, and I ate lots of food from the convenience store. On the other hand, my bottom doesn't hurt at all.

Oh, and while the randos were biking toward Seagrove, we stopped at a miniature railroad I helped to build some years ago. It's fun to keep in touch with earlier hobbies.
Here are my still photos, and here are video1 and video2 from the start.
Other reports: Branson, Doc, Yungfalbz, Mike/RTP, BikerBob, Tidewater
Big congrats to all the riders.
Wow! I didn't know you were a train aficionado. I have the perfect idea for a ride...start in Raleigh and ride to the NC Transportation Museum.
and then take the Amtrak back. I'll be working on this.
Thanks to you, your wife and JayJay for sagging and meeting us at the turn around.
Great report!
Great write up. I like growing my vocabularly with new germanic words like "fenderlust" and "embiggen." Keep 'em coming!
Nice to see friendly faces in Seagrove offering "encouragement" and humor!
Too bad I missed Sridhar taking his mustard. I'm looking forward to his account.
I wish I could have been there for the train tour. Looks like fun!
You and the rest of the crew were a welcome sight at the Seagrove stop. Thanks for the snacks, water, and general support!
I'm looking forward to seeing you on the roads someday soon.
The best thing about last year's 300k was seeing Dean volunteering at the turn around in Seagrove. Not as insanely hot this year, but WOW was it great to just pull up and be offered bottle refills and get my card signed when my brain was barely functioning.
MANY thanks for your help!!
Ditto what "Doc" wrote about bottle refills and card signing.
However, the bit about the sunblock being rain proof, the joke went passed me without being caught. I do recall thinking "that sounds wierd".
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