Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thanks to the volunteers

Rando Skiff recently wrote a series of articles analyzing the rides of North Carolina randonneurs. We enjoy talking about our epic rides in the wet, windy, cold, nights, uphill both ways, etc.

But we don't do it alone. For every ride in Skiff's analysis, there is a RUSA volunteer who scouted the route, created maps and cue sheet, submitted it for approval, then prepared cards before each ride, and processed the results afterward. Most also exchange a few emails with every rider, and send words of encouragement and then congratulations. And there are more volunteers behind the scenes at RUSA HQ.

So as I look back on Jayjay and my RUSA rides over the past four years, I'd like to say thanks again to the RBAs, perm owners, and admins who made it possible for us to sport 'R-48 Continuous Streak' bumper stickers (see photos).

Today's photos from of the RUSA Tar Heel 200K

1 comment:

skiffrun said...

"Rando Skiff recently wrote a series of articles analyzing the rides of North Carolina randonneurs."

Actually, Rando Skiff recently wrote a series of articles "analyzing" the Permanent (and Perm-Pop) rides; I'm pretty sure he didn't spend even one second thinking about the rides sometimes referred to as "brevets."
I like the photos. I esp. enjoyed the smokestack and tractor photos (with special emphasis on the captions).
